Want to show off your own vacation property? Well now you can with Vacation Rental, a customized WordPress theme that does just that. This theme has everything necessary to show off you rental property from a beautiful slider images to an availability and booking page. There also a guestbook,...
StoreBox is a new full blown e-commerce WordPress theme from Templatic. This template is colourful, flexible and would work in a number of niches. It’s feature rich, and the administration pages have all kinds of options and settings specific to e-commerce like product types, payment...
PlusOne is a really ambitious WordPress theme by Templatic. PlusOne puts the power of a mini social media site at your finger tips. With this template users can hype a story which is similar to thumbs up or digging content. They can also post their own stories which other users can then hype...
Here’s a theme you don’t see every day by Templatic call WebHosting. Perfect for… you guessed it, a web hosting company, although it does have other features and options that could, with a little work transform it into another niche template. You could easily use this to sell...