Disclaimer / Privacy

ThemePassion.com is run by Ian Hoar. I value privacy, and at ThemePassion.com I will never sell your information or give it away or even ask for it for that matter. The news on ThemePassion.com is the opinion of Ian Hoar. I post the themes I like here and often apply affiliate id’s to the products I link. In short this means that if you buy a theme I may get paid. You may also see advertisements on ThemePassion.com. Both these means of income allow ThemePassion.com to pay for the web hosting fees, grow, and most of all keep me motivated to post more and add more content.

ThemePassion.com also uses Google Analytics and occasionally AdSense. These are services provided by Google which employ the use of cookies. The internet is full of cookies, and they make understanding what is popular about a website much easier. Cookies allow websites to track how popular parts of the site are and improve them. In advertising they also allow better targeted advertising that makes sense instead of serving random ads that may not apply to the visitor of the site.

Most of the Internet runs this way, but if any of this scares you, you should leave my site, otherwise, enjoy your stay.