Kyochi Jun01


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Kyochi is a fantastic responsive Ghost theme for creative types. It’s got a nice fade as you scroll feature and a big hero image greets you at the top of the page. Here are some of the other great features this themes got going for it.

HTML5, CSS3 and Responsive Design
Cross Browser Compatible (IE8-11, FF, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Mobile)
Built on the Backbone Responsive Framework
Featured Posts
Featured Images/Embedding
Static Pages / Navigation
YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, KickStarter, Viddler and support
Social Media Sharing (Facebook, Twitter, Goolgle+, Pinterest and Email)
Facebook and/or Disqus comments
500+ Google Fonts
FontAwesome Icons
CSS3 Animations Plugin
Smooth Scrolling
Facebook Opengraph and Twitter Card Rich Snippets
Favicon and Apple Icons
Detailed HTML Documentation
Technical Support

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